Kids be snacking, amirite? Amidst all of the disruptions and uncertainty of this fall, it can be really grounding to focus on some fundamental certainties of life – the sun will rise, the wind will blow, and kids will want snacks.  And contrary to what some of us were told when we were growing up,...

This time-saving version of the popular sauce uses Organic Cashew Butter, so there's no need to soak cashews. It's great for steamed or roasted vegetables, nachos, potato dishes, tacos, and vegan mac & cheese!

Here at The Sweet Potato we’re big proponents of menstrual equity. Easy access to affordable, safe period care is essential. We want to see increased education and empowerment so folks can decide for themselves how to take care of their menstrual health. This is all integral to ending the stigma around a totally natural and...

Pain is an inevitable part of life. Thankfully, we’re lucky enough to have at our disposal a number of natural methods to relive it! Ginger : most people know about garlic’s ability to reduce nausea and soothe gastric upset, but did you know that it’s also been shown to fight pain, including joint pain and menstrual...

A guest post, written by our friends at The Stop Community Food Center.   Hey there! We’re The Stop Community Food Centre, a local charity that uses good food to bring people together, to build community, and to challenge inequality. Our friends at The Sweet Potato have been supporting our work for years with their...

Frozen food! So convenient, so easy! And also, sometimes, pretty expensive :/ but good news! If you’ve got access to fresh produce, a freezer, and a bit of time, it’s super cheap and easy to prep your own frozen fruits & veggies! The basics: Always wash your produce, and dry it thoroughly before freezing.  Most...

Infectious Disease Prevention at The Sweet Potato Staying calm and clear-headed can be hard when headlines clamour about the spread of COVID-19. Toronto Public Health has repeated that the general public’s risk continues to remain low here in Toronto. We take our lead from their evidence-based best-practice. However, Public Health agencies at every level of...

A few years ago, I got really into making pasta. I didn’t (and still don’t) have a pasta maker, so for me the process involved making the dough by hand, and then rolling it out on my counter, and then cutting it into shape with a knife.  It took a bit of work, but what came...