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November 30, 2020

Have you heard the news? We’ve got a new online store that you can visit to do all of your grocery shopping from the comfort of your own home!  We offer both contactless curbside pickup and home delivery, and we’re adding more exciting stuff every day!

We’re terrifically proud to have this site up and running; it’s been a labour of love that took about seven months to build, and involved work from almost everyone in the organization. We’ve had plans to offer online shop for years, but the pandemic really lit a fire under us, and turned a “someday, hopefully soonish” project into a “we need this done YESTERDAY” project… and after reorganizing our whole data management structure, taking hundreds of photographs, and spending thousands of hours digitizing and uploading information, we’re so excited to share it with you!

Now bear in mind, this is new territory for us, and the site is really really new, so not everything is online – we’ve probably got 90% of our offering on the site, but we’re still adding stuff all the time. The next thing we’re gonna add is our Bulk Department, and we’re hoping to have The Sweet Potato Kitchen offering online shortly after that.  

To try it out, simply navigate to! Choose Pickup ($5) or Delivery ($10, currently available within a 5km radius) and choose the groceries you want! You can use the search bar at the top of the page, or browse by department, or by looking at everything that’s currently on Sweet Deal!  

We’ve also included a useful Grocery List function (currently called “wishlist” on the site – honestly the paint on the site is still drying, please forgive our growing pains XD), so you can keep a permanent list of those items that you buy regularly, and then every time you visit the site you can save time by selecting stuff from your Grocery List!

We’ve got a detailed FAQ, but here are some of the most frequently asked questions:


Am I in your delivery area?

The way to check that is to visit the site! When you visit, just choose ‘delivery’ and enter your postal code.  If we can’t deliver to you, you’ll be informed by the site – and you can still choose pickup!


How does pickup work?

Even with a pickup, we’ve worked hard to make it easy, accessible, and totally contact-free!  Just drive to the store parking lot at your alotted time, and park in one of the designated spots! Once you’re parked in a pickup spot, phone our Customer Service Team at 437-922-4740, and let them know you’ve arrived. Then you just pop your trunk and wait in your car – our helpful staff will bring your order out and pack it in your trunk for you!


What if you make a mistake, or I’m not happy with the quality of the produce?

We guarantee the quality of our products, whether you buy them in-store or online.  If you’re not happy with anything in your purchase, please let us know by phoning us at 416-762-4848 x 3  or emailing us at  and we’ll either refund or replace the product!


If you still have more questions 

Please head on over to our FAQ page where we’ve done our best to address the most common questions including navigating the site with screenshots.


I have a question or suggestion, how can I submit that?

If you’ve already completed an order, you’ll get a survey link in your confirmation email!  Beyond that, however, we’re always happy to hear from our customers – please email us at


Thanks for shopping!