Chia Pudding
Make it how you want it!
Chia pudding is an amazing dish because not only is it a powerhouse of nutrients and protein, it’s also delicious and incredibly easy to make! One of our favourite things about it is that you can make Chia pudding with almost any combination of ingredients, and you modify the texture until it’s perfect for you - so this is more a guideline than a strict recipe. You can start with this if you’ve never made chia pudding before, and once you’re comfortable with it, fool around! Experiment! Discover your own amazing and unique combinations!
- 3 tbsp Prana chia seeds
- 1 cup liquid (plant milk, juice, or anything else!)
- 1 tbsp sweetener (honey, maple syrup, or agave are all great)
- Combine all of the ingredients in an airtight container, ideally one with a handle. For the liquid, almond milk is a good starting point, and for the sweetener you can use honey or maple syrup or agave – or anything else you want!
- Shake it up! Shake it until it’s well mixed, or until you’re bored of shaking. Whatever feels right.
- Let it rest in the ‘fridge for at least 30m. If you feel like shaking it again during the rest period, that’s great. If not, that’s cool too!
- That’s all! If it’s too thick, add some liquid. If it’s too thin, add some more seeds. Try jazzing it up with some nuts, or fruit chunks, or anything else you want. The world is your chia seed!
Chia Pudding keeps for about 5 days in the fridge, so you can make large portions and prep for a week at a time!
If you want some other ideas, check out this great list of recipes from our friends at Prana.