EnvironmentThe More You KnowThe Sweet PotatoPaper vs. Plastic

March 8, 2017

The Sweet Potato - paper bags vs plastic bags. We looked at the data and plastic bags won out

Image via Climate Kids

Every now and again we get asked about why we stock the kind of grocery bags we do. Good question! With paper, compostable, and plastic bags available, we wanted to be sure we were making the most intelligent decision for ourselves and our customers.   

Here’s an overview of the data:

Paper Vs. Plastic

As it turns out, of the three types of bag available, paper is worst on the environment! We know… we were shocked, too.  After all, paper is a natural material, which is fully biodegradable and at the very least recyclable. But that’s not the full picture. In fact it turns out that a whole lot of GREENWASHING is responsible for our notions of paper being the more eco-friendly alternative.

Paper bags use a lot more resources in the manufacturing process and generate a heck of a lot more waste for a bunch of reasons:  

  • Paper is HEAVY. Its volume takes a lot of energy – as in fuel and electricity – to transport and process and it occupies a lot of space in landfills.
  • Producing paper bags uses an awful lot of freshwater.
  • Paper bags tend to be used ONCE because they’re so prone to ripping.

Consider the following chart:


The Sweet Potato Toronto - chart showing the environmental impact of various types of bags. Paper bags are the clear loser when it comes to environmental responsibility

Chart via Chemical & Engineering News

The Takeaway:

Plastic bags outperformed paper bags environmentally on manufacturing, reuse, and on solid waste volume and generation. And the more times you use a single plastic bag, the less the environmental impact.

Don’t Forget to Reuse and Recycle

One of the things that further separates plastic bags from paper is that data shows they’re often reused at least once or twice before their retirement.

The great news for Torontonians too is that plastic bags can now be recycled. And this is so important: that plastic bags end up where they’re supposed to at the end of their lifecycle. One of the most destructive aspects of plastic bags is when they end up where they shouldn’t be, particularly when they land in lakes and oceans.

What About Compostable Bags?

Thinking these were the environmentally friendly option, we carried compostable bags in the shop for a bit many years ago. Then we learned that compostable bags are actually banned in municipal green bins! It turns out municipal waste treatment facilities can actually be harmed by biodegradable bags in their system.
We All Win with Reusable

Directions to create a no sew reusable bag from an old tshirt via Mommypotamus. Because reusable bags are the most environmental responsible

Image and no-sew tshirt bag instructions via Mommypotamus

It’s estimated that every reusable bag made from cloth or recycled plastic eliminates the use of 1000 plastic bags!

If you’re feeling crafty, here’s a fun DIY project if making your own bag from materials around your house is your jam. We’re particularly loving the old superman t-shirt bag!

Also stay tuned for a new BYOB(ag) incentive program coming to 108 Vine!