The Sweet LifeThe Sweet PotatoYam FamPets of The Sweet Potato

June 15, 2018

We here at The Sweet Potato love animals, so much so we thought we would write a blog post about it and highlight some of staff product picks while we’re at it!

Andrea, Marketing Coordinator: Cat, Grace, age 8

Gracie came into Andrea’s life six years ago when her old roommate suggested they foster a cat through the Humane Society as a solution to keep the mice away in their old apartment. At the time, Grace was in need of a foster home while she underwent surgeries for a cleft palate (a hole in the roof of her mouth). After her adoption, a new hole formed in the roof of Gracie’s mouth, and sadly Gracie still lives with it to this day because the second round of surgeries didn’t work. She is a happy cat nonetheless and loves eating dry food, and her favourite cat litter is the World’s Best from The Sweet Potato. Cute factor: Gracie’s tongue hangs out of her mouth because she had all of her teeth removed when she was undergoing the multiple round of surgeries.

Lisa, Front End Manager: Cat, Bing Bong, age 7

Lisa adopted Bingbong two and a half years ago when his original family threatened to abandon him in a field near Toronto. Bingbong is an early riser – he will wait very patiently at his automatic food feeder for 7 am to roll around when the food is dispensed. He loves head-nudges and gawking at cats in his apartment’s courtyard. Bingbong’s favourite treat from The Sweet Potato are Castor & Pollux Organix cat treats. Fun fact: Lisa and Bingbong share the same birthday!

Kaitlyn, Apothecary Department: Cat, Missy, age unknown

This is Missy. AKA Missy Moo. Kaitlyn isn’t too sure of Missy Moo’s age because she is a rescue, but she assumes she is around six years old. She is feisty, chubby, and LOVES eating. She’s very sweet, and very social, but watch out; she sometimes bites or scratches to mark you as her property.

Tabatha, Produce Department: Dogs, Lucee and Sammie, age 7 and 3

Both dachshunds immigrated from the states with their mum, Tabatha. They enjoy all sorts of new activities like time at the beach frolicking in the sand, off leash parks, and their favourite activity of all is riding in the car in their shared car seat while looking out the window.

Lucee, the cinnamon dachshund, was the result of Tabatha going to the animal shelter to “look around”. She was a wee eight months old when Tabatha decided to adopt her. She is a sassy girl, which is how she ended up with the nickname Bossy Boots. Her dinner time is at 6:00 p.m. at 5:59:59 she is letting Tabitha know it is time for her meal!

Sammie, the black tan dapple dachshund was a later addition. Lucee was three years old when Sammie came along. Lucee did not like Sammie initially, but Sammie still snuggled up to Lucee and he eventually won her over. Sammie is a total snuggle bug and has strategies to maximize his snuggles. Fun fact: Sammie has one eye that is half blue and half brown.

Samantha, Produce Department: Cat, Loki, age 5

Loki, aka Loki-Smoki, aka Little Face, aka Chicken Butt, came into his mum’s life just over five years ago when the stray cat she took in over the winter gave birth to Loki and two other kittens. And even though Samantha had never meant to keep him, as she was used to moving around the world and never stayed in one place for too long, the thought of going on adventures without him seemed impossible, so she decided to settle down and have all new adventures with him – running around in the backyard, chasing squirrels up trees, and taking lots of naps together.

Loki loves Castor & Pollux‘s grain free chicken and turkey canned cat food from The Sweet Potato, though he especially likes it when he is brought home anything from The Sweet Potato’s meat and fish department. Loki’s suggestion is that the store should start selling fresh bunches of catnip in the produce department, and maybe some mice-cream during the summer months.

Amanda, Apothecary Manager: Dog, Bogey, age 2.5

Bogey came into Amanda’s life when he was 5 months old from a rescue. He loves meeting other dogs, isn’t a people pup (except babies and his mom and dad!), loves chasing squirrels, fighting raccoons, and walking off-leash. Bogey isn’t a fan of using the washroom in the backyard so he needs at least 2 to 3 walks a day. His fave foods are avocados, steamed broccoli, and zucchini, next to Open Farm freeze dried raw chicken food, Ascenta NutraSea smoky fish oil for dogs, and Bio-K from The Sweet Potato, and also bone marrow from our butcher counter. He’s not a fan of fruit, except blueberries. Fun fact: Bogey is named after Humphrey Bogart.