Blog PostBrands we loveWhat does it mean to be B Corp Certified?

February 25, 2021

In a world where many companies have risen to the top on the back of questionable business practices, it’s essential to have systems in place to identify companies that go beyond the call of duty. Now that we’re, by and large, acknowledging the dire environmental and socioeconomic impacts of consumption, it’s so nice to be able to get the lowdown on the companies behind your favourite products. 

There are many different certifications available that businesses can apply for to guarantee their status or level of achievement; such certificates can prove that a company has products that are sustainably sourced, are top allergen-free, organic, vegan, cruelty-free, and so on. To get certified by any of these organizations, companies must undergo pretty rigorous testing and meet unwavering requirements. 

Of the available certifications to look out for is B Corporation, or B Corp for short, which challenges businesses to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance. At The Sweet Potato, you can find certain brands, like MadeGood, that hold this certification. 


What is B Corp Certification?

According to their official website, B Corp certifications are awarded to businesses with exceptional “environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.” In addition, they believe that with this certification, businesses are at the forefront of “a global cultural shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.”

For them, it doesn’t stop at the product or service-level; B Corp Certification is the only certification that goes beyond measuring a company’s entire social and environmental performance. This includes measuring how a business model impacts their workers, community, environment and customers, and looking into a business’ supply chain, input materials, charitable offerings and employee benefits.


How to find out if a company is B Corp Certified

If you want to support the companies that qualify for this certification, luckily, there are some pretty easy ways to find out. You can search the B Corp directory by company name, region, certification date and more to find the answers you are looking for. It’s important to note that some of your favourite brands might be subsidiaries of larger companies, so those companies may show up instead.

Suppose for some reason you can’t find the answer that you are looking for, you can also check a company’s official website, where you will usually be able to find a rundown of a company’s awards and certifications. If all else fails, feel free to reach out to the company in question and ask! If the company is not yet B Corp Certified, at the very least, it will show the company that there is interest and might get the ball rolling. 

It might take a little extra effort to unearth these businesses, but if you are a believer in ethical consumption, that extra effort will be worth it. You may also find that companies that qualify for B Corp might also be eligible for other certifications; MadeGood, for example, is also certified by Zero Waste. They do their best to be transparent in their business practices, and so not only are their products delicious, gluten-free and organic, but you can feel great about supporting them!