So you’ve got an idea for a great new (or new-to-us) product that you think The Sweet Potato should carry? Whether you’re the creator, a broker, or simply an enthusiast, we’re always interested in learning about amazing and delicious new products to consider!

Please review any relevant questions below, and then contact us to let us know more. 

How do I suggest a new product for you to bring in? (for customers)

If you’re a customer or member of our community, and you want to let us know about a product that you love and think would fit in well at The Sweet Potato, please let us know about it!

While we’re grateful for any suggestions at all, it would be most helpful if you could answer as many of the following questions as possible:

  • What’s the brand and variety of the product? (ie, ‘Kettle brand Dill Pickle potato chips’)
  • Where did you see or purchase it?
  • What do you love about it?
  • How it is different from our existing offering?

Please email us at with all your suggestions!

What information do you need to consider my product? (for producers/reps)

To submit a new product for consideration, please first review our Banned Ingredients and Packaging Requirements (below).  If your product is in compliance with both policies, the next step is to collect all of the information we need, and then to email it to the appropriate buyer (for a list of our buyers, see the section How Do I Contact Your Buyers, below).

The information we need to consider a new product is:

  • a list of all available skus
  • full list of ingredients for each
  • list of all product claims and certifications (eg, organic, locally made, keto, etc)
  • pricing, dating, and distribution details
  • photographs of the product inside and out of packaging
  • a product sell-sheet, if you have one
What are your ingredient requirements?

We have a Banned Ingredients list that you should check before you submit a product to us – it is not only a list of substances that we won’t accept as ingredients in anything we sell, but honestly it’s all stuff that we don’t think should be in any products at all.

If you think we’re wrong about some of our conclusions, we’re always interested in learning more, so please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know!

Do you have packaging requirements?

We require all packaged goods to have a valid UPC.

We do not accept any new listings that come in black plastic packaging.  Black plastic is not recyclable in the city of Toronto, and we don’t accept it in our store for that reason.

I make a product and I don't have representation or work with a distributor - can I still get my product in to The Sweet Potato?

As long as your product is ready for retail, we would absolutely like to hear from you!  We love working with small, local brands so much that we even developed a special program, The Sweet Potato Indie Spotlight, to help out small brands that we want to see succeed!

A product is ready for retail when it:

  • is properly packaged
  • has a valid UPC
  • has certification to prove all product claims (ie Organic, Gluten Free, etc)

If you think your product would be a good fit, it doesn’t contain any of our banned ingredients, please drop us a line!

Can I drop in for a chat?

Our buyers don’t accept drop-in meetings.

If you’d like us to consider your product, please review our Banned Ingredients and Packaging Requirements, and then email a completed submission package to our buyers.

How do I contact your buyers?

If you’ve read through our Banned Ingredients, and Packaging Requirements, and you’ve collected all of the information we require (described above), please email your complete submission to the appropriate buyer:

For apothecary and body care, send complete submissions to

For grocery submissions, contact

For dairy and frozen submissions, contact

For meat and fish submissions, contact

If the relevant department isn’t listed above, please send complete submissions to and we’ll make sure the right people see it!

When will I hear back?

If you don’t hear back from us within 4 weeks, please feel free to send us a follow up email.

Tell us all about it!

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