How to Use our Click & Collect Service

We really want to help our customers stay home right now, particularly those most vulnerable, or in isolation and self-quarantine. For existing customers of The Sweet Potato who can’t or shouldn’t make the trip into the store, we’ve thrown together this quick fix.  This service is meant for those who are familiar with the product and pricing of our local, organic goods. We aren’t charging for this service right now but this service is only temporary while we work on a permanent solution!

Let us Help you!

Click the button at the bottom of this page to start building your grocery list. This list works best if folks follow these instructions. Not doing so could delay your order.

How to Fill Out the Form

Follow the Correct Format

For every item, please use the following format:


For example, if you want five apples, write:

5 apples (any variety)

If you want two bags of apples, and are open to any variety except Fuji, write:

2 bags apples (any except fuji)

If you only want the specific variety or brand indicated, write that in the brackets:

2 bags fuji apples (no substitutions)

List Items in their Appropriate Sections

We’ve organized the form by sections, just like you’re walking through the store. Please list items in their respective departments (broccoli and celery in Produce; almond milk, yogurt and eggs in Refrigerated, etc). If you’re not sure where an item might go or you’ve forgotten an item, don’t worry, you will have the chance to list these at the end!

Put Every Item on a New Line

To help us fill your order smoothly, please put every item on a new line. The way you do this is by hitting RETURN or ENTER after every item.

Email Yourself a Copy of the List

At the end of the form, you can opt to receive a copy of your entries. Having that reference will help when we call you about your order.

Terms of Service

No add-ons or changes

Once an order is submitted, you can’t make any additions to it – not by resubmitting the form, not during the confirmation/substitutions phone call, and not at the point of pickup.

No last minute cancellations, exchanges, or substitutions

You will have the opportunity to discuss any substitutions during the confirmation call with our staff; absolutely no changes can be made after that.